viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2016

For Those About To Squawk: Waldo's Pecks Of The Year

So you know, I’ve never really been like a “leader” type parrot, and everyone has been doing their “Picks Of The Year,” so instead I’m going to do my “Pecks Of The Year.” Get it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I’m a one trick parrot…

Matmos, the experimental duo from Baltimore, blew our minds with Ultimate Care II, an experimental noise record using their WASHING MACHINE. Not for the faint of heart.

Ulcerate blew our minds with the creepy Shrines Of Paralysis. My favorite death metal peck of the year.

Colorado’s Call Of The Void left us with the blistering EP AYFKM, which stands for Are You Fucking Kidding Me? No, no they are not.

Full Of Hell/Nails released a MEAN-assed EP from two great pecking grind bands… Killer shit.

Sex Prisoner released the MEANEST powerviolence record to come out in a long time. Check out Tannhauser Gate.

Cemetery Piss released a rock/black metal amalgam called Order Of The Vulture. Peep it here.

Keeping in the black metal vein, Phil Anselmo’s Scour released the Grey EP. Very mean indeed.

JR Hayes’s from Pig Destroyer released his new band Virginia Creep's Failure worship EP. Killer.

Post-hardcore band GLOSS hit us with Trans Day Of Revenge, unfortunately they’re broken up now. 

Arizona’s Gatecreeper pummeled us with Sonoran Deprivation.

Backslider released a powerviolence masterpiece in Motherfucker. Hell yes.

Keeping up with the blast beats, Trap Them trap us with Crown Feral.

Feel like getting your synth on? Survive put out the soundtrack-worthy RR7349.

The post-goth rock/heavy of NothingTired of Tomorrow. Love it.

Noise rockers UXO featuring Chris Spencer from the Unsane and Steve Austin from Today Is The Day. If you don’t know, now you know.

Ken Mode released the noisy Nerve on Reptilian Records, rocking as PECK!

Whores wowed the peck out of me, the very Am Rep-ish GOLD. Get into it.

Blackened death grind with sludgy pus? Yes, please. Vermin Womb KILLED it with Decline.

And my favorite release of the year… Gendo Ikari, nasty, nasty grind from the UK. This is blistering hate.

Well, that’s it! If that’s not enough, like, c’mon… This stuff beaking rips! Until next year. Waldo out!

from Decibel Magazine

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